Tuesday, November 5, 2013

If You Give Mandy a Pile of Laundry, She Will...

Our hallway has a closet that holds everyone's dirty laundry. It is right outside the bathroom door. I mean, we share one bathroom, so it's pretty convenient that we all toss away the day's sweaty clothes in there. Tonight, after dance and late football, I realize it's so full of said dirty clothes that the door won't shut. Why, at 10:00 p.m. do I let guilt get to me and decide to sort and start laundry? Maybe to help me realize the dog's haven't eaten today as they pout by their food bowls downstairs near the washer and dryer. :(

I am tired. 
I am STILL doing homework with Cole. 
I need to let the dogs out after they eat.
I have to finish paperwork for school. 
I have to pack for an out of town dance weekend. 
I am tired of the ground hog's day life...

Then I hear all the I, I, I statements running through my head. Today, something at work shattered my heart. This world is so sad and so broken. The world needs prayer. A sweet little girl needs prayer. This city filled with crime and thieves needs prayer. That's what I am going to end my night on. Cole's homework is done now. He is eating a big bowl of ice cream...mostly because he needs the calories, but also because I think he deserves it for working so hard in school...and to let him know that I can be more than the fussy mom I seem like most days. 

No, it doesn't help that my week nor weekend will be relaxing.  I am just going to keep going because it's what I know. If you have down time, or hobby time, or any free time, be thankful. If you don't have a stressful job, be thankful. If your children are safe and loved, be thankful. I am setting the alarm system. I am off to pray myself to sleep. I think that's allowed once in a while, but not before I mention that there are about 17 sentences in this post that use the word I, and it makes me feel selfish. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 The Message
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all.

Trust, Listen, Don't Assume...Lord please guide me in doing these three things. 

So tonight, if you give Mandy a pile of laundry, chances are, she'll want prayer to go along with it. Hahahaha...

My Everything...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I quit...

     I quit yesterday. I had one of those moments where things just hit you. Bam. Right in the face. Before you get too worried, I did not quit my job. As much as I would love to be a SAHM, God doesn't have that in the plans for me right now. So, what did I quit? Well, a lot of things. 
This all started as a battle in my mind. As I checked my Nike app before a run yesterday, I became increasingly frustrated because it wouldn't work, and here is the kicker. I told myself not to run because it didn't count! Then, I froze right there in my running shoes. Say what? I wanted to slap myself in the face. How does this stupid Nike app influence me so much that I feel my miles don't count if they aren't counted by Nike? What made me place so much value in this thing that merely kept up with my miles? Why did I care how I compared to others that consistently run more miles than me? 
     So, the first thing I quit was Nike+ Running. (Not the shoes.) At that moment, and from now on, be it the gym or the great outdoors, I am just going to lace up my shoes and run for the joy of running. Feet. Pavement. Sweat. Heartbeat. Muscles working. These are the things that motivate me most. Let's get back to that kind of running. 
     During my run, I thought about how much life has changed over the years. My kids are growing so fast. People tell you this when your kids are little, but you don't understand how fast, how fleeting those years go by until your babies are almost as tall as you. Not until they are asking you questions like, "Why is the government shut down?" or, "Why didn't (unnamed family member) call me on my birthday?" 
     These kids can ask some tough questions. Do I answer them right? What are they learning from me? Am I doing all I am supposed to do in teaching them? Then, I started to pick myself apart. What about _____ who has her kids in a Christian school? Or _____ who teaches her own kids? Or _______ who makes "clean" meals for her kids to eat so they won't have a body full of chemicals? Or _____ who can work out at the crack of dawn, when I can barely get out of bed to get the kids ready for school and myself ready for work? I bet _______ never has to yell in the mornings. And on and on and on went the battle in my mind. 
     So, the next thing I am quitting is comparison. This won't be as easy as deleting an app off of my phone. This one is going to take time, and I will have setbacks, but I am determined here people. I am going to be the best mom I was meant to be for MY kids. That is why God blessed me with them, and that is my focus. 
     Here are a few other things I am (working on) quitting because of reflections on that run...
1. I quit worrying about people who don't like me. (I am a people pleaser, and don't like conflict.) Joyce Meyer wrote, "Stop worrying about people that don't like you, and start getting busy finding the ones that do." I love this. No more lost sleep about how to make peace. Not everyone is going to like me (including some family) and that is okay. 
2. I quit being too busy. I miss reading a good book. I miss spending an afternoon crafting. I miss naps and lunch dates with friends. Every busy mom needs to carve a little time out to ensure sanity, right? Hopefully, still with selfish guilt I'm sure, I will put some time throughout the weeks for such things. 
3. I quit thinking I am not good enough. I am awesome to the only One that matters in the battle for my soul. He thinks I am worth it. He thinks I am good enough to be a wife and mother. He is who I will stand before and answer to. I want to hear, "Well done, Mandy." That is not going to happen if I constantly try to convince myself that the One who thinks I am worth it is wrong, that He doesn't know the real me. He made the real me and knows all my imperfections. I know I am good enough to do the work he entrusted me with here on Earth. It is time I acted like it and stop beating myself up!
     I spend most of my time being a wife and mom I  shuffle one kid to dance her heart out and the other guy to run, hit, and tough it out with his best football friends. This is the heart of my life. In between, I work, run, surf through Pinterest, and keep up with everyone through Facebook. Most days are over way before I accomplish all I need to, and I am the best at beating myself up over it. I realize my "I quit" goals might be lofty and certainly won't be easy, but I am going to try. 

     To the person reading this...You are worth it too! What do you need to "quit" in your life that keeps you down? What keeps you from being who God made you to be? I am excited to begin reading a book for my own pleasure this week. I can't even remember the last book I read in this way. It is "7 : An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" - 7 is the true story of how Jen Hatmaker took seven months, identified seven areas of excess, and made seven simple choices to fight back against the modern-day diseases of greed, materialism, and overindulgence. I can't wait. I am hoping for great change within me, and I might even lead a growth group on it next semester. Interested?
    Thank you for taking the time to read the ramblings of this busy mom. Prayers are appreciated. Praying that my words are a blessing to someone else too!

Ephesians 2:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Much Love, 

Raising Lanes: 
Best Job I'll NEVER Quit!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Love, Joy, Smiles, PICTURES!

“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.” ~Thomas Merton
This beautiful quote was one I heard on Criminal Minds...bazaar, right? I love the meaning of these words. Life takes us on the most amazing journey. The bends in the road, every joy, each fallen tear, every dream lost or fulfilled, are all given meaning by the ones we share these moments with. Here are some pics of the ones who bring love and joy to my life and a smile to my face...

 I love these pictures and the people they hold inside. They are all in my heart. (I am desperately in need of pics with Steph and my sis in law Lindsay!)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

What a Week! (Work, Gossip, & Best Friends)

What a week. I am sure we all say that every now and then. I would venture to say that teachers and educators might use that phrase more than others. When I say, "If you only knew what goes on in the span of a school day", I wish I had some way of really making you understand that phrase too. All I can say is that the teachers in your children's lives work so hard every day. They spend more time with your children than their own, and love them all. I am proud to be part of education, because if you put aside the government politics and the blame game, the bottom line is that I make a difference in the lives of children. I get to teach them how to read. I can help them smile when they've had a bad morning at home. I can help them realize their potential. What more of a reward could I ask for in a job?

Moving away from the work topic...How do you all handle people that are nice to you in person but completely turn on you (with words) to others? I am aware of a couple of people in my life that I thought were friends or at least close acquaintances, that have had some pretty mean things to say about me. I sure would appreciate anyone that has a concern with me to bring it to my attention rather than spreading gossip. Lord knows, we all slip up in the area of gossip, and I don't exempt myself from it. However, to make opinionated, false statements and even bring up my job & kids....come on. If you watch Good Luck, Charlie, think of the "Mama Bear" episode, and that would be me. Ha ha. Don't mess with my kids! In this case, I will not do the drama thing and I am just going to let it go; which is not easy if you know me and my Gallops temper! I can forgive, but will never forget. Have any of you faced things like this? What are your thoughts?

On a lighter, happier note, I got to see my best friend do what she does best, or at least one of the things she does best...SING and perform in 9 to 5 at the Springer. I am so thankful for the friend God gave me all those years ago as a frizzy haired fourth grader. She has been with me through the absolute best and worst of times and I love her dearly. She has a wonderful, sweet family and though we don't get to hang out as often as I'd like, every time we do it's like we were never apart! Here we are this past Christmas.

I hope everyone has a great work week. In between work, dance, football, and other mom stuff, I hope I can get in a good run or two. All of you doing boot camp, crossfit, and other great programs...I am envious!  ;-)

Love Always,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Dancing, Laughing, Celebrating...

We celebrated our sweet Emma Grace's 7th birthday Friday and Saturday. She had been planning and looking forward to her first girls' sleepover for weeks. The day arrived and my house was filled with 10 giggly girls ready to party the night away. I didn't need much to entertain them. As soon as the music played, dancing took over the night. They had dance offs, played freeze dance, made a hip hop circle, and even had the energy to play Just Dance on the Wii. The smiles and laughs heard over the night were worth every moment of planning. One little one said, "This is the best night ever!" That made my night. I don't think Emma will ever forget this birthday. To everyone who came and helped celebrate, I can't thank you enough. She had an absolutely wonderful time! Here are a few glimpses of the night...
And...poor big brother...!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Tonight/This Morning/Whatever Time It Is…
I am overwhelmed. When did my baby grow up? I am the mother of a middle schooler, which sounds CrAzY to me! There are so many things that are different about him. He is not as "in to" school as he used to be. Homework time is torture time, for Cole and for me. The past two nights, we have been up late battling it out, to the point where we BOTH cried sobbed. This is definitely uncharted territory. Yikes!  I am busier than ever with work ,where more and more gets added to my agenda. Not to mention that my position probably won’t be funded next year. Yep, the ailing economy impacts special intervention programs too. Between work, kids and Emma Grace's dance classes, most days I feel accomplished if we get homework done and lunches made for the next day.
My house is far from spotless and I am not getting enough sleep. I am alone quite often because I am married to a fireman who heads to the woods every chance he gets. I have no time to maintain friendships and suffer from pretty intense anxiety.
Sometimes, I beat myself up comparing myself with friends who seem to have it all together...at least according to their Facebook, Instagram, or Blog page. I find myself thinking "If only I could be like... then I would be a great... mom... wife...teacher... volunteer". I hope I am not the only one who does this.
I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but it is so hard not to. I reflect on 2nd Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
This verse helps me realize that in Jesus I am already covered and seen as perfectforever. I mess up every.single.day. In my mess, I know I need His covering. So, I don’t have to cover up my junk. I have arguments with my 11 year old, I have laundry piles bigger than the baskets hold, I get upset with my hubby more than I should, and my kids fight waaaaaaaaay too much. There is little to zero time to clean, and I have basically given up on working out. That’s just to name a few.

On a positive note, Emma Grace will be 7 years old on September 13, and I am planning an awesome dance themed sleepover for her that weekend. Cole is excited about being a part of Ignite, the middle school group at church. Being a mom is the most amazing, painful, emotional, and beautiful thing I have ever done. I just hope I am ready for the road ahead…
I want to be real, and I want to be transparent. Hope you all don’t mind me pouring my heart out just a little bit…maybe it will help me sleep better. 

There is more mercy in Christ than sin in us. ~Richard Sibbes

See...told ya!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Mini Remodel

Summer is a great time of year for a teacher. To those of you thinking we teachers have it made....check back with me in September when the school year is in full gear, I am losing pay to furlough days, working late, and having to spend my $$$ to stock my classroom with materials because we get NO money for that.....yeah, lets talk then....

Back to my original point. Summer is a blessing that comes with my job. I have this time at home with my kids that allows us to just have fun. This summer has been a blast! At the end of the school year, EG wrote me a persuasive letter as to why she should get to remodel her room. Yep, my kindergartner wrote this....and mommy was impressed. Props to her fabulous kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Griffis. EG learned so much. So, with that letter in hand, I agreed. I mean come on, she agreed not to fight over the remote people!

In the beginning, she said she wanted black and green, and maybe purple. Here is where I think um....Halloween??? But, I trusted my gal and off we went to Lowes, and several thrift stores. Here are the results...

Before EG was born, we bought her a nice, very expensive set of furniture...Baby's Dream, large hutch, crib, & dresser. It was supposed to be this wonderful investment....crib changed to toddler bed, & into full sized bed. Little did we know she would beat it, carve it with a pencil, and draw peace signs on it with a Sharpie. Yep she did all those things and more...So, we are proud we saved it and were able to refinish it to remain in use. We went with an aged/antique look with the green under the black. Four coats of paint and a coat of lacquer later, with some sanding in between, we were done with the furniture. We are still looking for the perfect knobs and a few other finishing touches. I am proud to say that my hubby made her curtains. Everything looks great. Guess my girl does have taste! Anyways, advice to those of you purchasing furniture for your new additions...chances are they will use it as a canvas, or a drum set, and many other objects which you didn't imagine, so be prepared!

To my teacher friends, I hope you are all having a FUN summer and enjoy these last few weeks at home with your families. I am just praying I can get back to the beach one more time...